
Orionids 2020 over Slovakian volcanoes

Orionids 2020 over Slovakian volcanoes
Orionids 2020 over Slovakian volcanoes

Orionids 2020 over Slovakian volcanoes

Debris of Halley’s comet enter our atmosphere every May and October, producing two annual meteor showers. The October one, peaking usually around 21st October, is called Orionids. In the view, you can count 19 of them seemingly flying from are above Orion constellation (left from the center). The sky is crossed by the Milky Way, hosting also numerous red hydrogen nebulae such as NGC 1499 called “California” (on the top) or many of them in the Orion itself. Very bright is planet Mars, nearby the “Gegenschein“, captured just a week after its great opposition in 2020. In the foreground, five of Slovak extinct volcanoes north from Prešov city surrounded by fog can be seen (such as the light pollution from the city itself). The closest one is the “Lysá stráž” mount, same as the others were active last time in the Tertiary Period (Slovak study says 13.1 million years), now giving a fantastic view from Terňa city.

Captured from 19th to 23rd October 2020, for foreground used Canon 6D BCF modified, Sigma 35mm, f1.6, ISO 6400, panorama of 28 panels, each stacked of 6×13 seconds from tripod. Meteors captured by timelapsing with Canon 6D, Samyang 12mm, f 2.8, ISO 10000, 30s. Circumstances were very bad as the humidity was rising and the fog was developing on the photographic site during the imaging and so the image seems a bit “unclean”.

Orionids 2020 over Slovakian volcanoes - annotated

Orionids 2020 over Slovakian volcanoes – annotated